LOOK James Harrison hip-presses 528 pounds makes it look easy

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will be 38 on May 4. You would not know this Jose Fernandez Jersey to look at him, especially when he's displaying feats of strength usually reserved for superheroes.The latest: Here's the linebacker performing exerciseswe didn't even know existed until seeing this:A video posted by James Harrison (@jhharrison92) onMar 31, 2016 at 6:45am PDTSo add hip pre ses/hip bridges to Harrison's list Miami Marlins Jersey of accomplishments , , , , etc. Meanwhile, Harrison is expected to return to the Steelers in 2016, though he offered this caveat back in February, through his busine s and PR manager Risa Bayalem.If he's not able to give 100 percent, he wouldn't be doing justice to himself or the Steelers or his teammates, Bayalem told the . Even if he feels he wants to come back, his age and his body are going to tell him whether that's po sible or not. His proce Andre Dawson Jersey s right now is go through offseason training in Arizona. If his body is where he feels it needs to be, he'll proceed.For an idea of just how well Harrison continues to play, Pro Football Focus ranked him as the league's 14th-best edge defender. He also played more snaps at outside linebacker Martin Prado Jersey for the Steelers than , or .
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